This is the time we all can go and experience the power of God in the mission field!
BATAM MISSION TRIP Dates: Nov 20 - Nov 22 2009 (Friday - Sunday) Costs (Inclusive of everything): $80 - $100
I've been to this mission trip the last time around, and so have Jackson! We had a great time, and I'm here to encourage you to go and try it out.
For many of you its going to be the first time in the mission field. And its going to be such an experience! When I went that time, we helped out in a children service in one of the slums, and the power of the Holy Spirit in that little room squeezed with so many people, was extremely overwhelming. We even went around the slums in the city area, and in the kelong as well, giving out food and supplies for these people.
Trust me, you will experience God very strongly in the mission field. And you now have this chance!
Ask your parents!! And sign up with me before Saturday! No time to waste ah... the Lord is coming quickly. ;)
I shone with Jesus @ | 4:27 PM
Sunday, October 25, 2009
*.* Just sharing the love in images! *.*
Thats Evan talking to Kimberley on the phone. I wonder what's the sweet talking about. =X
Jia En is covering her insanity. And Janice is hiding from me.
Ha! I caught you Janice!
Kibs and Felily tongue sticking out adventure. :)
Sorry for the goldfish and the dreamy eyes.
Hahahha. Zombie coming your way!
Kibs darling.
Gid and Ben. Ben's being exhausted from camp, but still all smiles. :D
Check out the ladies with the man!
We're really catttttty.
I shone with Jesus @ | 12:50 AM
I know I have messaged every one of you guys. But this is official. IT WAS ONE GREAT PARTY!!! :D
Make a joyful noise people! RAWRRRRR*
The food, cake, games and everything else is just so awesome. I am so happy and proud of you guys for planning this really good party. You've all well exceeded the expectations of a birthday party. It was simply great. The salads especially. Hhahahaa. :) GOD IS INDEEDAWESOME! :):):):)
His hand has extended out to bless every single one of us in this cell group, also to bless us all as a body together.
The LORD is good, AMEN?
I am in love with you guys now. I can feel the love tonight in the cell group. And its simply awesome to see you guys grow so so so much, year after year.
When we come together again next year to celebrate Enoch's 3rd birthday. We will scream and shout and bring the house down, OKAY PEOPLE!
I love you all. And the Lord is so so so good to me, for giving me all you guys. You are all God's wonderful children, and He wil so quick to bless you guys. :) VERY LOVED, Felily.
P.S. Read my blog for the declaration of love to you guys. :)
I shone with Jesus @ | 12:19 AM
Monday, October 19, 2009
No BOC (Book of Colossians) bible study this week. :)
I shone with Jesus @ | 10:12 PM
*.* Living for more than life *.*
If the title seems weird to you, i should clarify that by 'life' i mean 'life on this earth'
Today Kimbles, Matt, Isaac and I had a great time bowling at SAFRA Tampines and man, we immediately (okay maybe I myself only) made plans to go bowling again next week. There was this super-SUPER deal that we missed which was the 4 bowler special of 12 bucks for 4 ppl, free-for-all for 1 hour (shoes included) and we (again, maybe only I) intended to invite ALL YOU GUYS for that until I realised - it's not applicable on weekends, public holiday eves and PHs.
Anyway, when i got back I started flipping my bible (cos it was on my table and that's what i usually do - flip it open) and got to some study notes on heaven. After reading it for about a good 5 minutes I realised i hadn't been thinking about heaven for a LONG time....
and I realised that in the light of Jesus' return, all my little nitty gritty plans about life suddenly diminish in importance and really, what we're really talking about here is preparing for his arrival.
the Bible describes the church as the bride of Christ, and the New Jerusalem as the Home of all believers in His Kingdom Age. As his bride we are to prepare for our wedding (John 3:29)! Our wedding which will be the day when the groom comes to bring us back to the place he has prepared for us (John 14:1-4)
Life has many distractions and worries that fog our vision and make us lose our sense of direction. Even our plans and purposes, however noble, fall to pieces in the light of eternity because of their temporal nature. Even leaders like myself can sometimes get so caught up in preparing lessons and fellowshipping with you guys that we get caught up in this 'church life' that we think is all of God's will for us.
But we are not receiving a kingdom that can be shaken, for when Jesus comes, God will indeed shake the earth and the heavens - what can be shaken, will fall away. But the things unshakeable shall not perish. (Heb 12:26-29)
And God is indeed a consuming fire - whatever perishable things that we have held on to in our lives will be lost in the fire of judgment, and whatever is eternal will come through with greater brilliance than ever before.
I don't think Enoch would have brought his MP3 player, game console, portable TV, files from the workplace, laptop, soccer ball, study notes, 2 years supply of his favourite cereal and whatnot in his walk with God, if he were living in our age.
I think Paul really meant it when he said to throw off everything that hinders. I think Jesus really meant it when He said seek ye first the kingdom of God. I think I really mean it when I say you don't have to bring your own bowling ball to heaven.
Live for things that last. Live for the One who will make you last.
I shone with Jesus @ | 8:37 PM
*.* prayer requests~19/10 to 25/10 *.*
Hey everyone, here is the update =)
Ben: He will be going on field trip this week. so he hopes that he will keep his cool, and do all things in His power. He prays hard that he will not forget His name when he is exhausted and out of strength. He prays hard that he will be a lamp on the table, salt in the dough, light on the hill. - That's his prayer, so let's pray with him because unity is strength-
Felica: That she can finish all her assignments this week! As she has many assignments!
Ivan and Janice: For O levels! which are approaching. It is the last week of preparation! Pray for wisdom and guidance from the LORD.
Matthieu: That he may be able to make it to express when he applies :)
Evangeline: Needs your constant prayer for her self-induced stress syndrome. LOL. I worry too much and do too many unnecessary things.
Jingrong: Pray for the desire that he has to want to serve in CM
As a cell: let's all keep "the P6s in prayer as we will begin to make contact with them in Nov - only 2 short weeks! Let's pray that they'll be (and we'll be):- open to the new environment and new people- committed to attending YPM/YPMS regularly and faithfully- bold to participate actively- enthusiastic about God's Word- that we'll be prepared by God to receive them into our family :)" (Jerome email dated 18 Oct)
LASTLY but MOST IMPORTANTLY riths haha... I pray that all who have finished their exams will have lotta fun! I pray for wisdom in the activities chosen and for protection from any harm while engaging in your play! enjoy your breakie =p
any further prayer requests still welcome to sms me. cya pple.
I shone with Jesus @ | 4:55 PM
Hello everybody!
I am just here to say that I am so apologetic I will be so very busy in the weeks/months ahead of me... I know exams are over/going to be over/not here yet for some people and you all are starting to play and have all sorts of fun already... But I can't join you guys as much as I would really want to!! And I can't organise any thing for you guys... but what I can really really do is to support u all financially. Hahaha.
It sounds like I'm using money to bribe you allll...but thats not the case okay. Hahaha..
Have loads of fun since the hard work has paid off.. And keep honoring God by being committed to the things you've been called to do, as simple as coming to church, reading His word. Let us all be faithful ambassadors of Christ, AMEN?
I will see you guys at the cell group birthday party this saturday!!!! :D
ps. I need you guys to tell me what's the party plan! Kibs I will call you on Thurs to find out all about it okie. :) hee hee
I shone with Jesus @ | 1:09 PM
*.* always. *.*
(you might want to pause the ipod playing below :P) hello Enoch :) it's good to be posting for my very first time!!! I believe the exams are a testing period for all of us (even though some of us already are finished with them for the year - means must help more with cell k!! :P) and sometimes we will meet with disappointment and failure.
But I believe that we can get hurt and crushed by things in our relationships that happen with no apparent reason. Loss of a loved one, people leaving home and parents walking out on their kids might not be something we're familiar with - but stuff that happens in school like gossip, ostracism, flaming and the like can be equally terrible for our feelings - especially if we're the ones on the receiving end. And the question many of us might get to, is to ask God "If you're so loving and just, why is this happening to me?"
God is someone who HEARS, and is PATIENT enough with us to LISTEN, reassuring us that WHAT IS MEANT FOR OUR EVIL WILL BE FOR OUR GOOD (in the words of Joseph the dreamer).
this is the video of the song i played for some of you before i left for taiwan, and i think Siew Ho likes it pretty much! You can make out most of the lyrics - it's very meaningful.
love, jerome
I shone with Jesus @ | 12:09 AM
Thursday, October 15, 2009
*.* October 24th &other matters! *.*
HELLO! I hope you've all been studying hard for exams &whatnots. Always give your best for God! (those who are done, wooha!)
(I momentarily forgot the password to this blog hoho, I shall add myself as admin later)
October 24! 十月二十四日!
Very important date ok! It's our Enoch's birthday bash! The Saturday after IFE.
It'll be during cell (or after it I'm not sure oops). &there'll be games&door gifts&food! :D :D :D Please SMS me whatever food you would like to bring ok? Ben might bring his salmon-pasta-salad-thing if he can make it, please pray that he'll be around. :D
Pray for our incoming P6s &everyone who is in the midst of their EOYs now &for those who should be studying! heh.
Oh&you're supposed to tell Fel the number of people who'll be bringing for IFE. Pray for IFE &that we will all open our hearts to newcomers(:
Have you signed up for YPM Camp??? 9-12 December! Please remember to indicate your shirt size. S is already pretty big so I'm taking XS if you wanna have a rough gauge. Sign up soon because after this coming weekend, the camp fee will be $90!
Who wants to help out for Spiritual Milk? It'll be on for the entire month of November, on Saturdays 1.30pm-4.30pm. You may indicate interest on the tagboard or tell Felicia. You get to say hi! to all the P6s before everyone else. :D
I think that should be all. mmmm.
love, kibs(:
I shone with Jesus @ | 10:41 AM
*.* snare drum ro0oo0lls *.*
OK! ANnouncements!
IFE this week- confirm the friends coming please! let Felica know ok by thurs? =))
Let's all make new friends at the IFE, especially friends of our friends, of our friends, in Enoch during the IFE oook. It's really simple; a BIG cutesy smile, a 'hellooooo!', a handshake, a 'do you want some sweets!?', etc. haha simple acts goes a long way =p
Cheers for those doing the games also!
And I see some prayer requests on the tag box. Do pray and encourage each other yea yea yea. muahha. cya pweeps..
Ah van* is a little cranky late at nite.
I shone with Jesus @ | 12:05 AM
Sunday, October 11, 2009
This is the video that Felicia recommended :D Enjoy
I want you all to watch this video on this link. I cried even when I was watching it without sound, so please on ur speakers. Its a really good video, shows how much God the Father has sacrificed out of His love for us. We are so important to Him.
Hi everyone! I've nt blog in the longest time... it feels a little cumbersome but no fret, I will practice my blogging skills weekly as I post our group's prayer requests!!!! yay!
Ok, so yes I'm here to blog on ur prayer requests, so do send me an sms anytime if you have any. Every member in Enoch will gladly pray for you and with you as you go through life struggles and problems. Besides, as sons and daughters in Christ, who has our all mighty king as Aba Father leh, =) I'm sure he has blessed us and will continue to do so continuously throughout our lives. In line with that, you are most welcome to share your joy and testimonies with each and everyone of us, as a form of encouagment to others and for us to praise the LORD together collectively! sooo cool rite. We share our burdens and our happiness together too, kekkee.
Okay, at the moment, here are some prayer requests from your 4 leaders =p -Ben: For his IPPT that's approaching. He aims for a silver. (but if the spirit leads you to pray for a gold, go ahead! haha)
-Jerome: He is going to be a MC for the upcoming POP(passing-out-parade) in the army. So pray that he get a good and manly voice as he speaks =) LOL
-Felica: Just started school again after her long awaited one week sem break (which is just toooo short!) So pray for strength and perseverence from God to empowered her so divinely that she can run the race all the way to the end!
-Evangeline: Same as Felily! But I don't have the one week break, bleah, sad rite. hahha, please pray for strength, perseverence and memory power (I really need that =p)!
Ps: I know sometimes we have things to be prayed for but it's not exactly very appropriate to share with everyone. So if you have a prayer request as such, do still sms me if you would like the 4 leaders to keep you in prayer. We will definitely keep it confidential and will walk through the valley of darkness with you and you will soon see the light! Remember, we walk through, we shall not be stucked there ( Ref: psalm 23:4). Amen =)
Alright, that shall be all for now! I shall await your prayer requests, testimonies, love notes for the group from you people?! haha, I think I did pretty well for somone who hasn't blog in such a long time. whahha, pat pat evan.
Okay! cya pweeps. Cheers* Evangeline
I shone with Jesus @ | 10:06 PM
Monday, October 5, 2009
*.* Announcements *.*
Hey Enochians!
-Cell group this week is on Chapter 8 of your ypm book! Please do the questions because we'll be looking through and discussing the book closely this time :)
-Book of Matthew. Sunday 1030am, same place. Questions are sent to you guys via email already! Go check! :)
-Book of Colossians. Saturday 345pm, same place. We will start on time and go a bit longer. :) Please come prepared. The questions are here:
Colossians 1:9-10
What is Paul’s desire or goal for the Colossians?
What does it mean to “live a life worthy of the Lord”? (See also 2 Thess. 1:11-12)
From Ep. 4:1-3, list attitudes that characterize one who is living “a life worthy of the calling you have received.”
Which of these attitudes would you seek to express more fully in your life?
What 4 things does Paul gives as examples of pleasing the Lord?
What do you think is the difference between “doing every good work” (the popular notion) and “bearing fruit in every good work” (God’s viewpoint)?
List several facts about Christ that show His greatness.
How do these things make you want to please Him in every way?
For what purpose does Paul say we are to be “strengthen with all power, according to his glorious might”?
According to 1Pe. 4:13-16, why should a Christian expect to need this power?
How does this teaching of scripture conflict with some Christian viewpoints and attitudes today?
From these verses name four reasons for giving thanks.
What conflict do you see between the truth that God “has rescued us from the dominion of darkness” (Col 1:13) and the common attitude “This is the way I am, so everyone had better get used to me”?
'Do not grow weary in doing good, for in due season you will surely reap if you do not lose heart.' Gal 6:9
Let us all lean upon the Lord for strength in this period of busy busy busy times...
I shone with Jesus @ | 12:24 AM
Friday, October 2, 2009
*.* Announcements *.*
This week is going to be service. So do come prepared to take notes during service okay =)
Leader's Training! Its the last training session with wonderful Glenn... So come to Galilee at 130pm this Saturday okay!
Dinner: Let's study after service, I know you all still having exams. Unless you all wanna play la... So bring your books!